Watch the full episode of PBS’ “Around the Farm Table”entitled Local Foods with Local Friends (aired November 14, 2019, Season 7, Episode 5) with Inga Witscher’s featuring our farm and our Murray Grey cattle at:
Flavorful, Healthy, & Honest Beef from a Real Family Farm
Nestled in the grassy hills of central Wisconsin, just outside of the small town of Neillsville, 6th generation farmers, Haly and Joe Schultz, and their three young children tend to their herd of Murray Grey cattle with respect, devotion, and attention to detail, all to bring you beef that embodies the flavors of the pasture mixed with clean air and water. Add to this an Australian breed of cattle known for their genetics to produce well-marbled, juicy steaks on a grass-only diet, and you have Marth Homestead’s Murray Grey grass-fed beef.
Find out about the history of our farm, our mission, and our dedication to pasture-based farming.
No more wondering where your beef comes from or how it was raised; deliciousness is only a click away…..
Farm location and contact information